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Childcare at The KCH Children's Hub

Our Early Education team recognise and respect the individuality of little people in their care.

Kyneton Community House operates a Victorian registered Child Care Service. The service provides occasional child care programs to support families with their full-time role of raising pre-school children.

Quality child care programs enable parents to attend appointments, study, work, participate in social and recreational activities and take time out. With many families new to the area and isolated from extended families this service is highly valued by the local community.

We provide a program based on the developmental needs, interests and experiences of each child. We achieve this by using appropriate materials, a supportive environment and positive, friendly interactions. We base our practice on sound knowledge, research and theories, while at the same time recognizing the limitations and uncertainties of these. We work as a team to encourage each child to build on existing skills and extend them in all developmental domains.

View our Commitment to Child Safety here

Kyneton Community House

Our Sessions

Child Care
For babies 6 months through to school age children

Monday through to Friday 8:30 am to 3pm

Cost:  $100 per child, per session.  Casual rate $110 per child.

(You can apply to Centrelink for the Child Care Subsidy that may reduce your rate, dependent on your circumstances)

Information on the Child Care Subsidy can be found here

Please contact us to discuss availability and being placed on our waitlist :

Online Waitlist

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