Become a Member
Kyneton Community House (Kyneton Community & Learning Centre) is a not-for-profit association, registered with Corporate Affairs Victoria. This registration provides the legal status for the House to conduct its activities and affairs and to fulfil its mission for the benefit of the Kyneton community.
For the House to operate effectively it needs a broad membership base, drawn from local residents and those in the surrounding region. In particular, those who have an interest in developing and strengthening the Kyneton community.
A strong membership base will provide a connection with local residents and better inform the House’s response to community needs and aspirations.

Our Purpose
The purpose of the Association is the development of a stronger, more resilient community by:
operating within a community development framework
valuing and encouraging inclusive community participation and leadership opportunities
providing high quality facilities that are inviting and welcoming for all members of the community
building sustainable connections and working in partnership with the local community
providing a broad range of activities, services and programs responsive to local community needs
providing lifelong learning opportunities including Accredited and Pre-accredited Adult Education and Training Programs.
How do members benefit?
Becoming a member of the Association assists the House with its community development work, providing a range of neighbourhood house and adult education programs. The benefits include:
News updates and early advice about courses and activities
10% off one short course run by KCH per semester (half year)
Free Wi-Fi access (bookings required)
Reduced rental rate of rooms for private meetings or functions
Invitations to special events and functions held at the House including members' function/s
Eligibility to nominate and elect Board of Management members
Voting rights at the Annual General Meetings and any Special General Meetings
Involvement in sub-committees of interest; to assist with specialist work and projects
Have your say in the future directions of KCH by being involved in consultation processes

Joining up is easy
Residents and those with a direct connection with Kyneton can become a member of the Association by completing a membership form, available from the front office or by completing the application form below.
The form will be submitted to the Board of Management at its monthly meeting. There is no membership fee required.
Please note: member benefits can only be used once your application is accepted by the board.