About Us
Kyneton Community House (KCH) is a funded Neighbourhood House and Learn Local organisation.​
We are underpinned in all things we deliver by a strong Community Development framework and practice.

Our Vision
KCH is an inclusive place where all people are able to access programs that are intended to enhance their well-being whilst fostering a sense of community connectedness and care.
We welcome all people at our House regardless of race, age, ability, gender, sexuality or religion.
KCH sees many faces come through our doors, old and new, and we do our utmost to cater to as many Kyneton residents as we can in as many ways as possible.

Our Mission
"To connect and empower our community"
Kyneton is in a unique position in the Macedon Ranges Local Government Area recording the highest levels of disadvantage on the SEIFA index for the shire.
For this reason, KCH programming is primarily aimed at providing for the disadvantaged and disenfranchised folk in our town.
Overall our programs are diverse including community lunches, food relief, community childcare, education and employment pathways, well-being and social endeavours, and volunteer programs.

Annual Reports

Our History
The Kyneton Community House was originally established in 1988 by a small group of community members. They recognised the need to accommodate opportunities for local groups and individuals, particularly isolated women, to meet together and participate in a range of activities. First registered as a Not for Profit Incorporated Association in September 1989 the organisation has managed to service the Kyneton community ever since.
Guided by many community focussed people over the years, KCH has now grown to encompass two sites. Since 2019 our main premises, 34 Mollison Street, Kyneton has been owned outright by our organisation offering security into the future.
Our second premise is located at 35 High Street, Kyneton is an integrated learning and hospitality hub and is still a work in progress.
Our Governance
Kyneton Community House is a not-for-profit incorporated association governed by a Committee of Management. A diverse group of skilled community-minded members currently sit on this committee to steer the direction of our operations. They meet once a month and are in charge of setting the strategic direction of KCH.
If you would like to help shape the future of Kyneton Community House we are always looking for new and dynamic members of our community to join the Committee of Management.
Please contact the House directly via admin@kynetoncommunityhouse.org.au or give us a call, we will put you in touch with our Chair so you can find out more and potentially join our team!
The rules of the Association can be found here
Our current Strategic Plan can be viewed here

Our Team

With a background in the environmental sector, our Director Claire brought a new perspective when joining KCH. Her belief in balancing social, environmental and economic benefits for the organisation put her in good stead to make things happen for the ever-growing and vibrant Kyneton Community. With a wealth of ideas and a passion for formulating strong community partnerships, Claire has really thrived in this position. As a result, KCH has steadily grown as an organisation under her leadership.
Claire started at KCH in 2016 as a trainer in Essential Life Skills and IT. She quickly took on other classes and responsibilities and in late 2017 was promoted to the position of Community Development and Education Coordinator. With the retirement of the outgoing manager in 2018, Claire took on the interim role and became the ongoing Director in 2019.
Creating an inclusive and understanding workplace culture that then feeds into all the things KCH does for the community is her top priority.
Claire is a passionate advocate for young people and disengaged folk in the community.

Stepping out of the corporate world Casey joined the KCH team in 2016 and has brought with her organisational skills that are unrivalled.
Heading up our admin and promotions teams Casey has improved processes and lifted our profile with the community we seek to service.
Casey also works closely with all other areas of operations to ensure KCH runs smoothly day to day. She is the friendly voice on the other end of the phone and the person that greets you at the door. Far from her prior career in the banking sector as a Project Manager she has hit her community straps, and quite frankly KCH couldn’t run without her!
Casey works alongside our volunteers and has a sense of where people will find their best-fit when volunteering their time at KCH.

Steph has worked in the Early Childhood Education sector for close to 18 years and has experience working in the AOD sector with vulnerable and at-risk children. Having worked with children aged 0-12 years of age, Steph has extensive experience working in a multi-age group environment.
Steph started at Kyneton Occasional Care in March 2021 as an educator and in July 2021 stepped into the coordinator role. Steph has been involved in introducing programs such as Tuning into Kids and the joint Intergenerational Playgroup with Spice Playgroup and Kyneton Library.
Steph has also been a keen advocate for the early childhood Sector in the Macedon Ranges having met with State and Federal Ministers to discuss the state of childcare in the area as well as being a part of parent and community discussions regarding this.

Kat began working at KCH in 2008 where she first delivered Basic Computer classes and Digital Art Skills to a Youth Pathways Program. Her first position at KCH was as an office volunteer, this enabled her to interact with participants at the House and learn the value of student-led learning. Her passion and practice in digital art saw her being an innovative facilitator in delivering digital art skills to a cohort who were generally difficult to engage.
Kat’s essential involvement in many ACFE-centred projects since has seen her advance to KCH Education Coordinator. Kat has since thrived in the Learn Local space, creating new courses, coordinating delivery, implementing two further CAIF initiatives, and managing other projects. Her work is focused, and Kat is a constant contributor and exemplary staff member. With lived experience, Kat is also a fierce advocate for people with disabilities and the LGBTIQA+ community.

Karen has joined the team as our Good Food Hub Coordinator.

Alannah first came to us through a student placement while completing her Diploma in Community Services, immediately we knew she would add vibrancy and value to our small team. Working in conjunction with other project leaders Alannah quickly learnt the ropes and brought her own ideas and enthusiasm to the table.
Taking on a trainer role through the ACFE program Alannah heads up our digital literacy department and teaches valuable life and independence skills to those that need them. Her enthusiasm has definitely come to the fore in the ‘Youth in Action’ Engage! program where new and marvellous offerings come through every Tuesday at Rancho Relaxo, and through exciting one-off events or courses.
A fierce advocate for young folk and the LGBTIQA+ community we feel very privileged to have Alannah showcase her skills at KCH. Watch this space to see where Alannah takes us next!
Get Involved
There are many different ways you can support Kyneton Community House.
We're always looking for new members and volunteers to help us and our community!